Nazmije Demolli Kastrati works in the Municipality of Kamenica in the following positions: Officer for Children's Rights, Officer for Protection from Discrimination, Coordinator of the Municipal Unit for Human Rights, Mechanism Coordinator, Coordinator Against Domestic Violence.
Nikolija Klajić
Nora Draga
Nora Draga
Nora Draga is the director of the "Alumni-UNHZ" organization in the municipality of Peja. She has been an activist for several years, mainly for young people, as she has represented the Youth Assembly of Peja. She completed his master's studies in environmental management at "Haxhi Zeka" University in Peja. At the same time, she has been a trainer in many projects related to the environment and tourism.
Qendrim Qerimi
Qendrim Qerimi
Qendrim Qerimi has completed his studies in dentistry and works as a dental intern. He is the chairman of the democratic youth in Gjilan.
Raba Haxhiu
Raba Haxhiu
Raba Haxhiu is a hair and makeup professional. She has been leading and participating in various handicraft initiatives in the European Union.
Rabe Zekaj Sopjani
Rabe Zekaj Sopjani
Rabe Zekaj Sopjani completed her master's studies in economics. She is an economist and chief executive of a business in the field of finance and accounting.
Rajmonda Sylbije
Rajmonda Sylbije
Rajmonda Sylbije is director of programs at NGO CSGD - Center for Social Groups Development.
Sabrije Nimani
Sabrije Nimani
Sabrije Nimani is the founder and leader of the NGO Pojata, which aims to support and empower women. She has over 45 years of work experience as a seamstress.
Salie Gajtani Osmankaq
Salie Gajtani Osmankaq
Salie Gajtani Osmankaq is a journalist, activist and lecturer. She is part of the academic staff at "Kadri Zeka" University in Gjilan.
Samra Emini
Sanela Sadiković Kelmendiq
Sanela Sadiković Kelmendi
Sanela Sadikovic Kelmendi has been working for 14 years in the Office of the Prime Minister as Coordinator of the Office for Community Affairs. She is an economist by profession.
Servete Haxhijaj
Servete Haxhijaj
Servete Haxhiaj has completed her studies at "Haxhi Zeka" University in Peja. She served as an assistant in the office of the Mayor of Istog during the years 2001-2020. She is a member of the Presidency of the LDK Women's Forum in Istog, as well as a Gender Equality Officer. Also, Ms. Haxhijaj is a member of the municipal council for safety in the community, coordinator of the coordinating mechanism for protection from dune in the family, and member of the leadership of the college of officials for gender equality.
Shenaj Llapashtica
Shkurte Hodolli
Shkurte Hodolli
Recently, Hodolli completed her Master's studies in international law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pristina. She is the Chairperson of the Assembly of Members of the Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research (SIT), as well as the Ambassador of Peace for the youth of the Republic of Kosovo.
Shqipdone Gërvalla
Shqipdone Gërvalla
Shqipdone Gervalla has completed studies in Albanian literature.
Shqipe Qorri
Shqipe Qorri
Shqipe Qorri has completed bachelor studies for public administration at the AAB college. Since 2003, she has been working as a health information system operator at the General Hospital in Ferizaj. At the same time, she deals with legal services as an official for the protection of personal data.
Shqipe Kastrati
Shqipe Kastrati
Shqipe Kastrati has completed her doctoral studies in political science. She is a teacher at "Hysen Rexhepi" and a member of AAK. She is currently acting as the AGK in Prizren.
Suzana Zečević
Suzana Gusturanaj
Tahire Haxholli
Tahire Haxholli
Tahire Haxholli has completed her bachelor studies in criminology at the Faculty of Law as well as the Master's degree in Criminal Law. She has been a member of the Kosovo Police since 2000. In 2019, she has been promoted to the rank of Major and was appointed head of the training division. For her contribution to the rights of women and children, she was honored with the "Ambassador of Peace" award.
Tamara Ristović
Tamara Ristović
Tamara Ristovic is an activist in the non-governmental organization CSD. She is currently a student at the Faculty of Law.
Valbardha Buza
Valbardha Buza
Valbardha Buza has completed her bachelor studies in sociology at the bachelor and master level at the University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina". Valbardha, in addition to being a member of the Alternativa party, is currently also the executive assistant to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Mr. Agon Dobruna.
Valdete Uka
Valdete Uka
Valdete Uka is the president of the Kosovo Women's Alliance in the municipality of Dragash.
Valmir Rama
Valmir Rama
Valmir Rama is the deputy mayor for communities in the municipality of Istog. At the same time, he is the vice president of IRDK.
Valon Zherka
Valon Zherka
Valon Zherka is a social media manager as well as a member of the ICT community, SHPIK, and a civil society activist. Previously, Valon worked in the Ministry of Culture, Institution for Cultural Heritage, OSCE and Municipal Assembly.
Valon Sadiku
Vanesa Sojeva
Vanesa Sojeva
Vanesa Sojeva is finishing her studies at the "UBT" college in the legal department and at the "Pjeter Budi" college in the shipping/customs department.
Verona Menxhiqi
Vitore Berisha
Vlera Bytyqi
Vlera Bytyqi
Vlera Bytyqi is a student and activist of the LVV from the municipality of Malisheva.
Vlora Kozhani Tolaji
Vlora Kozhani Tolaj
Vlora Kozhani Tolaj has completed her master's studies in education sciences, teaching and curriculum. She is a teacher at the "Hasan Prishtina" school.
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